Corporate aviation

CORPORATE AVIATION TRAINING is an international corporate training program for Crewmembers seeking to develop a career in Business Aviation. This training represents an essential complement for those who aspire to the opportunities offered by this field of the aviation industry, always eager for highly qualified professionals.

We offer efficient training, full of useful tactics to make every private flight a perfect experience for the VIP client.

Being the pioneers in this type of training in Argentina and the Latin American region, we show you the most complete side of business aviation through the real knowledge and verifiable experience of our professional trainers.

+ 0
+ 0
years of combined experience


The aim of our training program is to provide our trainees with all the tools to develop the required skills and knowledge to perform successfully and with the highest standards of quality and safety in business aviation.

We explore the culinary arts and menu preparation, VIP service, safety aspects and etiquette.


Through efficient training, full of useful tactics to make every flight a perfect experience for the VIP client. Emphasising the specific needs of this field and its differences with commercial aviation.

Corporate Aviation Training Founder & CEO

gaston filippelli

Corporate Flight Attendant – Instructor | Private Pilot | CRM/TEM Facilitator. Senior Crewmember with over 15 years of experience in the commercial aviation industry. Corporate aviation training and experience.

”In my career, I have led teams, fostering the development of people and teamwork, an aspect that I consider key to becoming my best version. As a Senior Cabin Crew Member, I was able to contribute to continuous improvement, making both safety and customer service processes more efficient.” 

”In my professional development, I am always willing to learn new things, contributing with my experience and with who I am. Today, together with Luciana, I have the honor to share all the experience acquired and put it at the service of those who choose us for their professional training.” – Gastón Filippelli

2015 - Selected to participate in Chile in the Experience and Culture Construction Roundtable, in the merger of LATAM Airlines Group.

2015 - Participation in the redesign and presentation of Premium cabins on the GRU - MAD route in the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

2020 - Creation, development and execution of the first Business Aviation training program for Corporate Flight Attendants. Pioneer in Argentina and the South American region.

Corporate Aviation Training Co-founder & Trainer

luciana viale

VIP Cabin Manager and instructor with more than 16 years of experience in commercial and corporate/business aviation in the Middle East, Europe, United States and Argentina. In possession of Train the Trainer and VIP Cabin Senior certifications. International experience on corporate jets: Airbus Corporate Jet, Boeing Business Jet, Global and Gulfstream.

“Throughout my career I have had the opportunity to lead international crews and to operate VIP private flights for royal families, heads of state, celebrities, renowned sports teams and soccer teams, and other high profile clients. Today, I am honored to be able to share first-hand anecdotes and my verifiable experience in each class of our training program. For me it is a great pleasure to be able to transmit my knowledge and provide all the necessary tools to our students so that they can perform with total confidence in their role as Corporate Flight Attendants.” – Luciana Viale

2011 -  Transitioned from commercial aviation to VIP aviation operating on board ACJ and Global aircraft for a renowned Middle Eastern royal family and government.

2017 - Promoted to VIP Cabin Senior and then, in 2019, to Flight Instructor on board a BBJ aircraft for one of Europe's largest corporate aviation operators.

2023 - Obtained qualification for Global, Gulfstream and Falcon aircraft types issued by Flight Safety International (USA).



Our exclusive Corporate Flight Attendant training program (Modalities: Online / In-person) aims to develop students’ skills and knowledge required to perform successfully and with the highest standards of quality and safety in business/ corporate aviation. We rely on our professional trainer’s proven track records in the industry. We emphasise the specific characteristics of this field of aviation and its differences with commercial aviation.


Personal Image & Corporate Grooming / Skin Care and Make-up (online & in-person):

At the end of this Workshop students will be able to:

– Understand the importance of Corporate Grooming.

– Understand all the aspects that make the personal image and presence, and the importance of it.

– Understand and value the importance of non-verbal communication.

– Understand the importance of attention to details.

– Learn make-up techniques, skin care and colorimetry essentials.

Oenology with professional Sommelier (online & in-person):

You will participate in an exclusive  ́ ́Wine Station ́ ́with a professional Sommelier.

We will cover:

Different strains of wines and sparkling wines, we will explain each one, their characteristics and differences, the use of the right glasses for each wine + signature drinks. 

Each wine will have tasting, pairing and delicious tapas to accompany the tasting.

Plating techniques with professional Chef (online & in-person):

At the end of this Workshop students will be able to:

– Learn aspects of on-board hygiene

– Learn plating techniques

– Learn the steps to plan an in-flight menu

– Know the importance of catering in business aviation.

– Know in detail the functions of the VIP crew member in relation to the catering request.

Together with a professional Chef, you will participate in:

  • Gastronomy: brief description of Hygiene and food handling, use of utensils, cooking points + live plating with savory combinations.
  • Pastry and its presentation + desserts and variety of sauces + basic plating techniques.

Protocol & Ceremonial, Etiquette, Clients Profiles (online):

By the end of this Workshop students will be able to:

– Understand the rules of ceremonial and protocol

– Understand etiquette standards

– Understand the need for attention to detail

– Identify the different types of clients we may have on board (different nationalities, cultural background, customs, religion, etc.)

– Understand the importance of keeping and working with a client’s logbook/ profile form.

Coaching for job interviews (online):

Welcome to the job interview workshop! In this workshop, you will learn the best practices and techniques to succeed in a job interview. We know that the job search process can be challenging and stressful, but with the right tools, you can increase your chances of getting the job you want.

During this workshop, we will explore different strategies to prepare for a job interview, from researching the company to practising typical interview questions.

We will also discuss how to communicate our strengths and answer difficult questions effectively.

By the end of this workshop, we hope you will feel more confident and prepared to face any job interview that comes your way in the future. Let’s get started!

Career development (online):

Welcome to the professional development workshop, in which we will explore together the skills and strategies needed to advance your career.

In today’s work world, it is essential to stay current and prepared to meet the challenges that come your way. This workshop is designed to help you identify your strengths, set clear career goals and develop an action plan to achieve them.

Throughout this workshop, we will work as a team to discover and develop the skills and competencies needed to thrive in today’s work environment. Together, we will explore ways to improve our communication, leadership, teamwork and problem solving skills, among other essential skills to succeed in the professional world.

Healthy lifestyle for Flight Attendants (online):

This workshop is oriented to crewmembers and other aeronautical professionals who wish to incorporate more conscious and healthy eating and general habits to improve their quality of life and work performance. Stress and fatigue management. Health coaching based on lifestyle medicine and with a holistic view, which includes not only fundamentals and key tips, but also some basic and easy-to-prepare recipes.

Workshop II: Enología, Técnicas de Emplatado, Café

Al finalizar este Taller los alumnos podrán:

  • Distinguir aspectos de higiene a bordo
  • Identificar las técnicas de emplatado
  • Enumerar los pasos para planificar un menú
  • Conocer la importancia del catering en aviación ejecutiva
  • Conocer en detalle las funciones del tripulante VIP en relación a la solicitud del catering

Junto a un Chef profesional, participarán de:


  • Gastronomía: Breve descripción de Higiene y manipulación de alimentos, uso de utensilios, puntos de cocción + emplatados en vivo con combinaciones de salados.
  • Pastelería y su presentación + postres y variedad de salsas + técnicas básicas de emplatado.